Sunday, August 1, 2010

will.iam has promised to put a smile back on Cheryl Cole's face

The Black Eyed Peas star ' who first became friends with the brunette beauty when she appeared in his 'Heartbreaker' video ' revealed following her bout of potentially deadly disease malaria, the singer is 'making good progress'.

He said: 'Cheryl's incredibly strong, spirited and a fighter. She's making good progress and will be back on track shortly. It's her passion. And I'll see her soon. I want to put that gorgeous smile back on her pretty face.'

Sources close to the pair recently revealed the 'I Got A Feeling' hitmaker has been bombarding Cheryl, 27, with calls and text messages in the hope of reassuring her all is fine when it comes to her career.

An insider said: 'They've been texting and calling. And not only does he make her laugh, he also helps her feel calm. 

'will's recording with the Black Eyed Peas at the moment, but he's waiting for the all-clear to come and see Cheryl ' and has reassured her that when she's well, she'll still have the brilliant career she's worked so hard for.'

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