Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Former Disney Songstress Comes Clean: Lilo+Sam

Folks, it is finally official.  Normally this probably would not qualify as “music news,” per se – except that, once upon a time, Lindsay Lohan did sing, plus Samantha Sam Ronson is, of course, a rockin’ DJ.  Lilo has finally come out and admitted to dating Sam – for a very long time, as it turns out, which is no secret to anyone who’s paid any attention to photos of the two of them together.  Lots of little tiffs have been reported but frankly, when they look at each other, they look just like my partner and me.  I don’t agree with a lot of things Lindsay does or a lot of the things she stands for, but insofar as this goes, I wish her all the happiness in the world and hope that Samantha can be a good influence on her.
As well, this will undoubtedly make it easier for other actresses, musicians, et cetera, to feel comfortable talking about who they love, whether they are gay, straight, or bisexual.
So hey, congrats, girls.  You should be commended for your bravery, at the very least.

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